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Openssl updates

I take quite some time!

Updating openssl and what it affects such as cURL, clamav, bind exim, dovecot , ftpd, mysql, postgresql SQLITE, httpd and php is a task!

USing WordPress on a BSD system

Here is a suggestion of how to get BSD to work correctly.

the best way to solve

it is to create the wp-config.php file in the root directory of the

wordpress installation. I normally just "touch" the file to create it,

but you could upload an empty file instead or use vi - whatever. Point

is, once it is created/uploaded, then set the permissions of it to 777.

The server will then be able to write to it and set all of the

configuration variables. That should work. Other then that, I often

chmod 777 the entire wp-content directory, as thats where all image

uploads and the like are stored.

dump / restore method

1) Define your HArd Drive with either SD or WD .

2) newfs your partitions

3) mount your new file systems e.g. mount /dev/sdX0 /rootX

4) cd to the file system you want to copy to then type dump 0f - /dev/sdXx | restore rf -

where X is the drive number and x is the partition letter.

Just a matter of memory.

BSD/OS and Tyan S2735-8M

This motherboard can be used with BSD/OS 4.3.1 provided that

apart from having all patches you have to upgrade the motherboard

to current BIOS 2.05 AND turn off the Chipset Memory Remap Feature

for /etc/mp.config





in the etc/rc

you will need to add

cpu start 1

cpu start 7

Generatring a 1024 bit CSR

note replace server with FQDN.

From Akadia SSH cert page

Step 1: Generate a Private Key

openssl genrsa -des3 (-aes256) -out server.key 1024 (4096)(8192)

Check TLS1.3 for updates

Step 2: Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

Step 3: Remove Passphrase from Key

cp server.key

openssl rsa -in -out server.key

The newly created server.key file has no more passphrase in it.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 745 Jun 29 12:19 server.csr

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 891 Jun 29 13:22 server.key

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 963 Jun 29 13:22

Step 4: Generating a Self-Signed Certificate

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

BSD/OS 4.3.X patches

Courtesy of


This server provides access to the official patches for BSD/OS.

All patches are Copyright 1999 Berkeley Software Design, Inc.,

all rights reserved. Other copyrights may apply to some patches.

Access to some of these patches is restricted to BSDI customers

with valid update or support contracts.

If you are reading this after obtaining it from the patches@BSDI.COM

mail-back server, you have already been authenticated. You can

request any of these files directly through the email server.

If you wish to access the protected files via ftp, you must

first obtain a group-id/password pair from the patches@BSDI.COM

mail-back server and then enter the appropriate `site group'

and `site gpass' commands before requesting the files from the

ftp server. See the help message from the patches@BSDI.COM

mail-back server for more information. Send an empty message

to the address patches@BSDI.COM and the server will respond with

the help message.

Mods ending with a "D" contain domestic versions of applications. U.S.

export laws prohibit transferring of these files outside of the United

States or Canada.

This directory contains patches for i386 architecure BSD/OS 4.2.

In general, all top-level mods will now be named MXXX-YYY where

XXX is the release number against which the mod is meant to be

applied (e.g., 420 for the 4.2 release), and YYY is the mod number

(a monotonically increasing value). If the mod has sub-mods, those

submods are named with the same name as the top level mod that

contains them plus an extension. The usual extensions will be:

utility (Utility fixes)

kernel (Kernel fixes)

PACKAGE (The package that the fixes exist in)

In general the main mod calls the utility and the kernel submods, if

there are any utility or kernel submods. The utility and kernel submods

then call the PACKAGE specific submods. If it appears that the source

or contributed CDROM is loaded on the system a prompt appears asking if that

sub-mod should be applied. Determination of wether a package is installed

or not is made by checking for the existence of a sentinel file. If the

sentinel file exists it is assumed the package, or CDROM, is completely

installed and the submods are applied. If the sentinel file does not exist

the submods are not applied and the mod will check the next PACKAGE mod.

You can use the "about" option to see which files are used as the sentinel

files for each package submod for each patch.

In general you will want to apply the patch by calling the main mod.

It will automatically detect the existence of packages and not attempt

to load any fixes for packages that are not installed. If later a

package is loaded onto the system, it can be brought up to date by

calling the mods with the PACKAGE submod name. When applying submods

this way care must be taken when using undo or commit.

Note for source customers: Any new or changed kernel header files are

usually installed by the SYS_OBJ mod. Source may not build correctly

on a system that is not up to date with SYS_OBJ mods.

Most mods can be applied while the system is running multi-user,

but it is always best to make changes on a quiet, fully backed up

system. Don't forget that kernel mods require a rebuild followed

by rebooting with the new kernel.

The .asc files in the signatures directory are PGP signatures signed

with the official BSDI public key. You can obtain the key from

below. The key is also on the public key ring in the

PGP directory of all BSD/OS CDROMs starting with version 2.1.


Mod : M430-001

Submods: M430-001.utility M430-001.MAN M430-001.CORE_ROOT_CONFIG

M430-001.DEVELOPMENT M430-001.TEX M430-001.LAP M430-001.NETWORKING

M430-001.CORE_USR M430-001.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M430-001.kernel

M430-001.SYS_OBJ M430-001.SYS_SOURCE


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Previous stunnel man page was Postscript NOT a man page.


Edit /etc/ to resolve a typo.


Fix a bug in yacc that causes yacc to crash on large grammars.


xdvi as distributed in 4.3 would not run properly, it was recomp


from source.


Fixed some problems in the LAP package.


Update Openssh to 3.0.1p2.

Distributed ftp-proxy executable was incorrect.


Fix a memory leak in lockd.

Correct syslogd so that some error messages get logged properly.


Fix a locally exploitable buffer overflow.


Fix a problem in locore.s which causes kernel to lose FP state.

Md5 Checksum: aa3d65fb5c623497bdeb3cf91b4cd595 M430-001

Size: 4774118


Mod : M430-002

Submods: M430-002.utility M430-002.MAN M430-002.MANSRC M430-002.DEVELOPMENT

M430-002.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M430-002.kernel M430-002.SYS_OBJ



These packages are for i386 type machines only


Add man pages for the ciss driver.


Add man page sources for the ciss driver and the cisslun.


Add header files for the SA5300 adn 5i driver.

Update soem system include files for the 2.2Ghz processors.


Update sysctl.


Add sources, object code, header files and man pages for the Compaq

SA5300 drivers.

Md5 Checksum: baaf3b27aad0b6fd80fd2daa056416b5 M430-002

Size: 349479


Mod : M430-003

Submods: M430-003.utility M430-003.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M430-003.CORE_USR

M430-003.DEVELOPMENT M430-003.MAN M430-003.MANSRC

M430-003.NETWORKING M430-003.kernel M430-003.SYS_OBJ



These packages are for i386 type machines only


Fix scsicmd - Prevent data corruption problem when

executing some SCSI commands.


Upgrade uucp, uuname, uparams. Fixes a buffer overflow

in uucp argument parsing that will allow a user to gain

access as the user/group "uucp".


Update /usr/include/sys/socket.h to correct version.


Update ppp.sys man page to define actual types used.


Update ppp.sys.5 man page source so that all the types

used in the /etc/ppp.sys file are defined in the man page.


Update ftp to deal with a variety of code changes.

Update tftpd to work properly if you have connected to it

via a link-local IPv6 address.

Update netstat command to NOT show some statistics twice.

Update several applications due to update of



Update the ATAPI driver.

Update kern_clock It was possible for the microsecond value in a

timeval struct to be 1000000. It should be limited to 999999.

Fix a kernel memory leak.

Upgrade several networking modules in the kernel.

Md5 Checksum: 20b21cf6d22fdbff42b669b0c952bf7c M430-003

Size: 1026077


Mod : M430-004

Submods: M430-004.utility M430-004.NETWORKING


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update Openssh: scp sftp-server ssh-add ssh ssh-agent

ssh-keygen sshd to 3.1p1.



Md5 Checksum: 6f7a101d545aa15a4e8710ef095d6eda M430-004

Size: 4866720


Mod : M430-005

Submods: M430-005.utility M430-005.CORE_USR M430-005.DEVELOPMENT

M430-005.kernel M430-005.SYS_OBJ M430-005.SYS_SOURCE


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Install a new libz.


Install new static libz.


Fix ipfw problems.

Fix problem with Aironet cards.

Address an NFS problem.

Fix a problem with foriegn keyboards.

Update superblock correctly.

Md5 Checksum: cb8dbb7edbd0c700dd67caaf0863ea42 M430-005

Size: 467591


Mod : M430-005a

Submods: M430-005a.utility M430-005a.CORE_USR M430-005a.DEVELOPMENT

M430-005a.kernel M430-005a.SYS_OBJ M430-005a.SYS_SOURCE


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Install a new libz.


Install new static libz.


Fix ipfw problems.

Fix problem with Aironet cards.

Address an NFS problem.

Fix a problem with foriegn keyboards.

Update superblock correctly.

Md5 Checksum: 550165f944ad43b94f6214292f4eabbc M430-005a

Size: 471718


Mod : M430-006

Submods: M430-006.utility M430-006.MAN M430-006.MANSRC M430-006.kernel

M430-006.SYS_OBJ M430-006.SYS_SOURCE


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Add man pages for the ciss driver.


Add man page sources for the ciss driver and the cisslun.


Add sources, object code, header files and man pages for the Compaq

SA5300 drivers.

Md5 Checksum: 655998f430fb4d5778fa6916382995c7 M430-006

Size: 121058


Mod : M430-007

Submods: M430-007.utility M430-007.CORE_USR M430-007.NETWORKING


These packages are for i386 type machines only


New /sbin/popauth to fix a buffer overflow security hole.


New /usr/libexec/popper to fix a buffer overflow security hole.

New /usr/sbin/dhcpd to fix a format string

vulnerability - CERT CA-2002-12



Md5 Checksum: f0a8e0d6265f32ad59c295289296a24d M430-007

Size: 369111


Mod : M430-008

Submods: M430-008.utility M430-008.DEVELOPMENT M430-008.CONTRIB_USR

M430-008.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M430-008.MAN M430-008.MANSRC



These packages are for i386 type machines only


Updates to libc to fix rcmd routines to properly

resolve addresses on multi-homed machines.


Updates Apache executables to 1.3.26


Updates to libc to fix rcmd routines to properly

resolve addresses on multi-homed machines.


Update man ages for Apache.


Man page sources for Apache.


New Apache executables.

New openssh executables.



Md5 Checksum: fc6fb53948f1b66b135d05d2786e112b M430-008

Size: 9075791


Mod : M430-009

Submods: M430-009.utility M430-009.CONTRIB_USR M430-009.NETWORKING


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update the /usr/contrib/bin/apxs command, it was

misconfigured in M430-008.


Install a new and several other modules that

did not get built properly in M430-008.



Md5 Checksum: ebbaca0685d6f152010d51a26152d5a3 M430-009

Size: 770052


Mod : M430-010

Submods: M430-010.utility M430-010.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES

M430-010.DEVELOPMENT M430-010.MAN M430-010.MANSRC



These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update the shared libraries with new libc libraries.

Install a new /var/db/libc.tags file.


Install new include files for OpenSSL.

Install a new libcrypto.a.

Install a new lisssl.a

Install a new libc.a to deal with CERT Advisory CA-2002-25 and C


Advisory CA-2002-19.


Install new OpenSSL man pages.


Install new OpenSSL man page source.


Install new OpenSSL binaries.



Md5 Checksum: 2c65f26775cd2bb610f0241faae42954 M430-010

Size: 4639541


Mod : M430-011

Submods: M430-011.utility M430-011.CONTRIB_USR M430-011.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES

M430-011.CORE_USR M430-011.DEVELOPMENT M430-011.MAN M430-011.MANSRC

M430-011.NETWORKING M430-011.CORE_ROOT_CONFIG M430-011.kernel

M430-011.SYS_OBJ M430-011.SYS_SOURCE


These packages are for i386 type machines only


New httpd-MaxIM based on the latest Apache.


New scsicmd executable.


/sbin/bootparams isn't properly installed in 4.3 - this

installs it.


Update /usr/include/sys/ucred.h.


New man pages:


ssh, scp sftp, sftp-server, ssh-add, ssh-agent,

ssh-keygen, sshkeyscan, sshd, ssh_config,

sshd_config, ssh=keysign, ssh-rand-helper


Install an new ftpd - fixes a hang when client aborted

a transfer.


Install new shlib/


NFS fixes:

- server locks up after client deletes large number of


- hangs when NFS writes get interrupted.

- fixes a security hole.

- potential panics on systems with heavy NFS usage and LARGE

local buffer caches.

Enable CMD649 IDE controllers to work in UDMA mode.

Fixes a potential kernel panic when the processes CPU time

limit is reached.

Support for ServerWorks CSB5.

Fixes a problem that prevented the system from doing a core dump if

there was more then 2 GB of memory in the system.

Fixes the vnode block list error.

Md5 Checksum: ab5fcdb8a390f424e230dd1112bbc1ec M430-011

Size: 1512666


Mod : M430-012


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update sys/sys/disklabel.h to allow aac driver.


Adds man pages for the em and the bc drivers.

Add man pages for the dpteng and dptutil utilities.


Add man page sources for the em and bc driver.

Add man page sources for the dpteng and dptutil utilities.


Add the dptutil and dpteng executables to /usr/sbin.


Add a commented out sample line for dpteng.


Update /dev/MAKEDEV with aacr info.


Update the kernel with the aac disk controller driver.

Update the kernel with the em NIC driver.

Update the kernel with the bc NIC driver.

Md5 Checksum: d1de82b377da228faed7fa513c1b2c02 M430-012


Mod : M430-013

Submods: M430-013.utility M430-013.NETWORKING


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update named to deal with CERT Advisory CA-2002-31.



Md5 Checksum: cdf1b01854b2282424a01da748dc7912 M430-013

Size: 404658


Mod : M430-014

Submods: M430-014.utility M430-014.CORE_ROOT_CONFIG M430-014.CORE_USR

M430-014.DEVELOPMENT M430-014.MAN M430-014.MANSRC M430-014.kernel

M430-014.SYS_OBJ M430-014.SYS_SOURCE


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update /etc/rc.local to deal with some dpt utilities.


Update /usr/bin/cmp to deal with very large files.

Updates the /usr/sbin/digisetup command.


Update /usr/include/apic.h for P4 systems that have I/O APICs at

a 1k alignment.


Update cisslun man pages so the source and compiled pages agree.


Update cisslun man pages so the source and compiled pages agree.


Update wdpi.c so wdpi driver to properly handle DMA mode.

Update cpu.c and apic.h for new P4 systems that have I/O

APICs at a 1k alignment.

Update /sys/i386/stand/Makefile.common - previous typo.

Md5 Checksum: 39c4918257b045609fe4752125370911 M430-014

Size: 1807531


Mod : M430-015

Submods: M430-015.utility M430-015.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES

M430-015.CORE_ROOT_CONFIG M430-015.kernel M430-015.SYS_OBJ


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update the /etc/ttys.conf file to reflect 4.3.1.


Update the /etc/gettytab and the /etc/rc file to reflect 4.3.1.


Update the /sys/conf/ file to reflect 4.3.1.

Md5 Checksum: a091094cbc007ecc91f7cdb1d12b30df M430-015

Size: 18624



Mod : M431-001

Submods: M431-001.utility M431-001.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M431-001.DEVELOPMENT



These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update dhcp client, and dhcpclient-script to fix recent

CERT advisory.


Update the /usr/lib/libdhcpctl.a to fix recent CERT advisory.


Update omshell, dhcpd, and dhcrelay to fix recent CERT advisory.



Md5 Checksum: e5c90a5692a5da27459ed5cb835b02dd M431-001

Size: 896317


Mod : M431-002

Submods: M431-002.utility M431-002.CORE_USR M431-002.contrib_cd


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update sendmail to fix CERT/ISS vulnerability #398025




Update sendmail to fix CERT vulnerability #398025

Md5 Checksum: dcaeb9cf1c0eb06be05f15a6967f8b02 M431-002

Size: 290829


Mod : M431-003

Submods: M431-003.kernel M431-003.SYS_OBJ M431-003.SYS_SOURCE




Enable building kernels from objects without requiring vlan support.

Enable use of aacr driver for root devices.

Update versions of the Compaq Smart2 driver object modules to resolve

problems with Smart2 controllers after applying patch M430-014.

Allow options set on a listen() socket to propogate to sockets

created by accept() on the listen() socket so options may be

set once on the listen() socket rather than requiring them to

be set on each accept() socket

Increase size of IP input queues for both IPv4 and IPv6 to reduce

dropped packets on newer faster interfaces

Improve performance of the loopback network by eliminating

unncessary data copies

Eliminate memory leak when processing IPv6 options

Allow new label when changing media in SCSI removable devices

Update object modules that were missed when sources were updated

by previous patches. Resolves hangs on >2GHz processors when

booting kernels built from objects

Md5 Checksum: 2a5431bafb8bab187c0e9649a7034edb M431-003

Size: 500991


Mod : M431-004

Submods: M431-004.utility M431-004.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M431-004.CORE_USR M431-004.MAN M431-004.MANSRC M431-004.NETWORKING M431-004.contrib_cd


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update to samba version 2.2.8 to resolve the recently announced

security vulnerabilities found by the SuSE security audit team


Update core samba binaries


Update samba manual pages


Update samba manual page sources


Update samba binaries and swat hierarchy




Update samba sources

Md5 Checksum: 4793845fd7f264d8ba98bcc257a8481e M431-004

Size: 14284479


Mod : M431-005

Submods: M431-005.utility M431-005.CORE_USR M431-005.contrib_cd


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update sendmail to fix CERT vulnerability CA-2003-12




Update sendmail to fix CERT vulnerability CA-2003-12

Md5 Checksum: 5e7e2337ee029bc530990cc58f1db41a M431-005

Size: 287405


Mod : M431-006

Submods: M431-006.utility M431-006.CORE_USR M431-006.contrib_cd


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update smbd from 2.2.8 to 2.2.8a to resolve the vulnerability

found by Digital Defense, Inc. (CVE ID: CAN-2003-0201).




Update samba sources

Md5 Checksum: 3acc098ab973c2dd4213cb64ed48ac25 M431-006

Size: 871534


Mod : M431-007

Submods: M431-007.utility M431-007.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M431-007.NETWORKING M431-007.DEVELOPMENT M431-007.MAN M431-007.MANSRC M431-007.source_cd


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update shared libc libraries:

Update BIND to 8.3.4

Fix ftrylockfile() return codes

Fix thread signal delivery


Update BIND utilities (named, ndc, dig, nslookup, etc.)


Update development versions of libc and related header files:

Update BIND to 8.3.4

Fix ftrylockfile() return codes

Fix thread signal delivery

Add prototypes for strlcpy() and strlcat() to

Update zlib.h header file to match newer version of

zlib included in M430-005


Update BIND related man pages


Update BIND related man page sources




Add function prototypes for strlcpy() and strlcat() to

Fix ftrylockfile() return codes

Update BIND sources to 8.3.4

Md5 Checksum: 7de8bf225071506bfd608cd4aa3f6129 M431-007

Size: 6720114


Mod : M431-008

Submods: M431-008.utility M431-008.CORE_ROOT_BINARIES M431-008.DEVELOPMENT


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update shared libc libraries to correct build problem

from M431-007

There were no source changes associated with these

updated libraries. The M431-007 version was not built

from a correctly patched set of sources. Libraries

built from completely patched source trees through

M431-007 should be equivalent to these binary libraries.


Update development versions of libc to correct build

problem from M431-007

Update zconf.h header file to match newer version of

zlib included in M430-005



Md5 Checksum: ef4280ec7ce7ffac152a4fb2378a1e0f M431-008

Size: 2623161



NAME: M431-009

HEADLINE: Add driver for LSI MPT scsi/raid/FC controller Updated AMI driver


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update amic(4) man page


Update amic(4) man page


Add driver for LSI MPT scsi/raid/FC controller

Correct PCI problem which cause probing for 3c595 network controllers

to fail once patch M430-014 was applied

Make the AMI driver recognize additional controllers:

Intel 80960RP (Megaraid)

AMI Megaraid (device ID 0x1960)

LSI Megaraid (device ID 0x1960)

LSI ??? (Device ID 0x407)


DELL PERK/4di (Verde)

Md5 Checksum:099c40f68b4baa99f13d15e93e871214 M431-009


NAME: M431-010

HEADLINE: Update shared libc libraries. Fix potentially exploitable off by one error in realpath(3)


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update shared libc libraries:

Fix potentially exploitable off by one error in realpath(3)

Make bindresvport(3) skip ports of well known services

Add chkprt(8) command to build database of reserved ports

Update /etc/rc to call chkprt appropriately at boot time


Update development versions of libc:

Fix potentially exploitable off by one error in realpath(3)

Make bindresvport(3) skip ports of well known services


Add chkprt(8) man page


Add chkprt(8) man page source




Update shared libc library source:

Fix potentially exploitable off by one error in realpath(3)

Make bindresvport(3) skip ports of well known services

Add chkprt(8) command to build database of reserved ports

Update rc to call chkprt appropriately

Md5 Checksum: 82a221ad5c035cc2ff01a28cd788401b M431-010


NAME: M431-011

HEADLINE: Update sendmail to resolve prescan() vulnerability

Update openssh to resolve buffer manipulation problems


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update sendmail to resolve prescan() vulnerability


Update openssh to resolve buffer manipulation problems




Update openssh to fix buffer manipulation problems in buffer.c

and channels.c

Update sendmail to fix prescan() vulnerability in parseaddr.c

Md5 Checksum:25aae96c643ee47b905d5d7ec5d0b2d1 M431-011


NAME: M431-012

HEADLINE: Update openssl to version 0.9.7c to resolve ASN.1 parsing vulnerabilities


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update openssl to version 0.9.7c to resolve ASN.1 parsing


Update binaries for openssh, stunnel, and apache mod_ssl to link

against the new libraries


Update openssl header files


Update openssl manual pages


Update openssl man page sources




Update openssl sources to 0.9.7c to resolve ASN.1 parsing


Md5 Checksum: d0e25e7613f1f1085ce5bcc16bc37cf2 M431-012


NAME: M431-013

HEADLINE: Update BIND to 8.3.7


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update shared libc libraries:

Update BIND to 8.3.7


Update BIND utilities (named, ndc, dig, nslookup, etc.)


Update development versions of libc and related header files:

Update BIND to 8.3.7


Update BIND related man pages


Update BIND related man page sources




Update BIND sources to 8.3.7

Md5 Checksum: a34fa07ef14d9f8bf057d59c519f94a6 M431-013


NAME: M431-014

HEADLINE: OpenSSL updates, TCP reassembly


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update openssl to resolve security problem

Update openssh and mod_ssl binaries with versions

linked against the new version of libcrypt.a


Update openssl libraries and header files


Update openssl man pages


Update openssl man page sources


Limit the size of the TCP reassembly queue to prevent

denial of service attacks. You must run config(8) before

rebuilding your kernel after applying this patch.


Update openssl sources to version 0.9.4d to resolve security issues

Md5 Checksum: be8003eece98e118aa2ace970583bbff M431-014


NAME: M431-015

HEADLINE: Update mod_ssl binaries


These packages are for i386 type machines only


Update mod_ssl binaries to correctly match the

current mod_ssl and Apache server


Fix a panic due to calling fsync on a bad vnode

Md5 Checksum: ca40163372f2cbee958d1123acee7113 M431-015


Apache 2.2.3 not solved

Apache 2.2.X suffers from the fact that it is too Linuxy.

From Apache Bug 40328

I compiled Apache 2.2.3 with a small matter of merging a 2.0.5X ; however,

cgi scripts are choking Similar to reports found in,GGGL:2006-24,GGGL:en&q=%5Berror%5D+(35)Resource+temporarily+unavailable%3A+couldn't++create+child+process%3A+35


Why does this choke show up in 2.2.3 and not in 2.0.X ?

------- Additional Comment #1 From Dave Yadallee 2006-08-27 00:45 [reply] -------

FRom the Log egreping syswatch which is a pl based cgi script:

[Sat Aug 26 09:35:22 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:35:22 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:35:31 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 09:40:46 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:40:46 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:40:53 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 09:46:29 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:46:29 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:46:36 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 09:51:58 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:51:58 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:52:05 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 09:57:25 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:57:25 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 09:57:33 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:02:57 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:02:57 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:03:09 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:08:29 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:08:29 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 10:08:29 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:08:29 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:19 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:19 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:19 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:31:32 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:31:32 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:31:42 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:36:53 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:36:53 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:37:01 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:42:10 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:42:10 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:42:19 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:47:58 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:47:58 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:48:05 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:53:23 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:53:23 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:53:29 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 10:58:44 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:58:44 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 10:58:52 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:04:01 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:04:01 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:04:05 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:09:14 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:09:14 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:09:18 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:14:32 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:14:32 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:14:34 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:19:43 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:19:43 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:19:45 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:24:56 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:24:56 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:24:59 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:30:06 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:30:06 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 11:30:06 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:30:06 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:33:02 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:33:02 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:33:04 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:38:14 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:38:14 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:38:23 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:43:48 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:43:48 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:43:57 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:49:05 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:49:05 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:49:14 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:49:29 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 11:54:45 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:54:45 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 11:55:07 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:00:21 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:00:21 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:00:28 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:05:44 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:05:44 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:05:49 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:12:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 12:12:31 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 12:12:31 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:12:31 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:14:02 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:14:02 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:15:41 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:15:41 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:15:42 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:20:47 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:20:47 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:20:49 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:25:56 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:25:56 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:25:57 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:31:03 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:31:03 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:31:04 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:36:10 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:36:10 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:36:12 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:41:19 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:41:19 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:41:24 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:46:31 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:46:31 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:46:32 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:51:38 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:51:38 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:51:39 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 12:56:44 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:56:44 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 12:56:46 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:01:53 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:01:53 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:01:54 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:07:49 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:07:49 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:07:51 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:12:59 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:12:59 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:13:04 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:18:09 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:18:09 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:18:10 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:24:05 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:24:05 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:24:06 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:29:12 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:29:12 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:29:13 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:34:19 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:34:19 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:34:20 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:39:25 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:39:25 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:39:26 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:44:31 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:44:31 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:44:33 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:49:38 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:49:38 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:49:40 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:54:45 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:54:45 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:54:47 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 13:59:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 13:59:51 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 13:59:51 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 13:59:51 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:05:41 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:05:41 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:05:44 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:10:50 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:10:50 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:10:51 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:16:01 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:16:01 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:16:04 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:21:13 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:21:13 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:21:17 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:26:27 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:26:27 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:26:28 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:31:33 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:31:33 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:31:38 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:36:43 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:36:43 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:36:44 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:41:49 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:41:49 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:41:50 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:46:56 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:46:56 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:47:03 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:04 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:04 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:04 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:50 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:50 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:52 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 14:57:58 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:57:58 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 14:57:59 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:01 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:01 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:01 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:42 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:42 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:42 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:44 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:44 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:44 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:44 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:46 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:46 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:46 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:46 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:16:46 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:16:46 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:16:47 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:21:53 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:21:53 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:21:55 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:27:00 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:27:00 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:27:01 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:32:07 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:32:07 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:32:08 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:37:15 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:37:15 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:37:15 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:42:25 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:42:25 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:42:26 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:47:34 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:47:34 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:47:36 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:52:41 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:52:41 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:52:42 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 15:59:10 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:59:10 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 15:59:11 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 16:16:41 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 16:16:41 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 16:16:43 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:45 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:45 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:45 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:44:18 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:44:18 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:44:19 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 17:49:25 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:49:25 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:49:26 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 17:54:31 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:54:31 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:54:32 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 17:59:38 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:59:38 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 17:59:39 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:04:49 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:04:49 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:04:51 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:09:57 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:09:57 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:09:59 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:15:05 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:15:05 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:15:06 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:20:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:20:08 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of

script headers:

[Sat Aug 26 18:20:08 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:20:08 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:29:49 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:29:49 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:29:50 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:34:56 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:34:56 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:34:57 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:40:05 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:40:05 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:40:07 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

[Sat Aug 26 18:45:12 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:45:12 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

[Sat Aug 26 18:45:14 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/var/www/docs/images/greendot.gif, referer:

Using prefork mpm

------- Additional Comment #2 From Dave Yadallee 2006-08-27 03:14 [reply] -------

this is from the error_log related to this issue:

[Sat Aug 26 06:18:49 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:18:49 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:18:49 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:19:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:19:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:19:34 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: full.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 06:22:07 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: orderformnew.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 06:24:02 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:24:02 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:24:25 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:24:25 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:28:00 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:36:57 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:36:57 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:38:32 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:38:32 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:40:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:40:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:40:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:40:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:43:14 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:43:14 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:45:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:48:17 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:48:17 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:50:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:50:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:50:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:50:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:52:32 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:52:32 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:55:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:55:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:55:25 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:58:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:58:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:59:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 06:59:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:05:22 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:05:22 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:05:35 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: joyful.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 07:06:52 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:06:52 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:09:35 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:09:35 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:10:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:10:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:12:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:12:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:14:18 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: whoson

[Sat Aug 26 07:17:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:17:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:18:58 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:19:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:19:07 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 07:19:23 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:19:23 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:26:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 07:26:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 08:50:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 08:54:10 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 08:54:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 08:56:21 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: Count.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 08:57:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: Count.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 08:57:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: Count.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 08:57:54 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 08:57:54 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:06:55 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: full.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 09:08:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:08:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:14:50 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:17:26 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 09:17:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 09:19:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:19:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:19:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:19:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:23:35 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:23:35 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:24:25 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: full.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 09:24:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: full.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 09:25:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:25:25 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:25:25 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:27:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:27:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:27:58 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:27:58 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:28:30 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: whoson

[Sat Aug 26 09:28:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 09:28:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:08:29 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:06 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: full.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 10:13:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:18:13 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:19:06 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:23:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:23:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:24:28 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:24:28 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:24:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:25:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:25:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:25:16 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:25:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:25:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:26:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:26:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:26:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:26:29 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:26:41 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:27:06 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:27:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:28:19 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:28:28 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:28:59 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:28:59 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:29:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:29:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:29:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:30:02 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:30:02 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 10:30:11 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 10:30:13 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:18:12 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:18:12 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:26:47 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:26:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:27:06 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:27:33 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:28:34 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:28:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:28:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:28:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 11:29:43 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:29:43 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:29:57 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:29:57 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 11:30:06 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 12:12:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 12:30:08 2006] [error] Optional hook test said: GET

/contemporary-literature.html HTTP/1.1

[Sat Aug 26 12:30:08 2006] [error] Optional function test said: GET

/contemporary-literature.html HTTP/1.1

[Sat Aug 26 13:02:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: Count.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 13:07:08 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: joyful.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 13:56:11 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 13:56:13 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 13:56:13 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 13:59:39 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 13:59:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 14:52:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:00:20 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: orderformnew.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 15:00:46 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: guestbook.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:03:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:07:55 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:07:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:07:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:07:57 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:07:58 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:07:58 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:54 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:54 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:11:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:24 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:44 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:13:46 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:48:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:57:54 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:57:54 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:59:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 15:59:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:00:59 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: orderformnew.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 16:12:21 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:13:16 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: Count.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 16:15:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:26 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:26 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:21:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:25:59 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 16:28:47 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:32:12 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: full.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 16:36:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:36:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:36:38 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:36:39 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:36:40 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:39:21 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:40:16 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: orderformnew.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 16:43:52 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:49:22 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:49:23 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:50:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:50:27 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:50:46 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:56:17 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:56:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 16:56:37 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:04:50 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:04:50 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:06:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: guestbook.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 17:06:41 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: guestbook.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 17:07:11 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:07:11 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:13:12 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:16:56 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: joyful.cgi

[Sat Aug 26 17:18:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:18:04 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:21:01 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:21:20 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:21:20 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:22:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:22:31 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:22:33 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:22:33 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:23:03 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35: nph-traceroute

[Sat Aug 26 17:30:59 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:30:59 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:36:41 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:36:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 17:37:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:33 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:33 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:34 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:34 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:35 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:36 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:38 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:39 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:39 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:40 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:40 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:41 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:41 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:42 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:44 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:44 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:45 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:46 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:46 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:47 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:47 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:48 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:50 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:51 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:52 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:11:53 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

couldn't create child process: 35:

[Sat Aug 26 18:12:02 2006] [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable:

Securing you Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server via SSL

100% doable, but set up the certificates based on The Apache-SSL instructions :

Now I've got my server installed, how do I create a test certificate?

Step one - create the key and request:

openssl req -new > new.cert.csr

Step two - remove the passphrase from the key (optional):

openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out new.cert.key

Step three - convert request into signed cert:

openssl x509 -in new.cert.csr -out new.cert.cert -req -signkey new.cert.key -days 365

The Apache-SSL directives that you need to use the resulting cert are:

SSLCertificateFile /path/to/certs/new.cert.cert

SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/certs/new.cert.key

Tip replace new.cert with the server serivce affected AND the year it was set up.

I use Starfield and I am a haapy camper!

How to manage FrontPage Extentions

I had to grab this from's copy of

Frequently Asked Questions for the Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions

This page contains common questions handled by our support staff, answers to questions we've received, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions. Please note that we have maintained access to the previous FAQ's (2000, 98 and 97). If you would like to submit a question.

General Information

Install Questions

Apache Questions

Security Questions

IBM eServer Questions

Client Questions

Platform Specific

Apache DSO Questions

General Information

What is the current list of supported platforms?

What are the supported webservers for the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions?

I have other modules compiled in my existing apache daemon. What do I need to do to run the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions?

Is there any documentation?

How do I administer the Usage Analysis in Microsoft FrontPage 2002?

How can I manage usernames and reset passwords?

When I click on "send an invitation" in the HTML based fpadmcgi.exe, I get the error message: "You cannot enable this feature because your server has not been configured to send mail" What can I do?

Hi, I have an old server running version 3 FP extensions and I want to move my web onto my new server running version 5 FP extensions. I tried manually moving the files and I ran into a bunch of functionality problems. What is the easiest way to make this transition?

I'm trying to export a Microsoft Access file as an ODBC database and use it in my Front Page web (Linux).

I'm getting the error "Using an ODBC connection, you tried to perform an operation on data in an ODBC data source. This error may occur when the ODBC data sources is on a network drive and you are not connected to the network. Make sure the network is available, and then try the operation again.

How do I set up Admin Pages for my web?

How can I set up Per User Webs from the command line?

How do I support .asp pages on my UNIX server?

When I upgraded from FPSE 2000 to FPSE 2002 my email forms no longer work. What do I need to do to fix this problem?

I'd like my error messages to be returned in . Is this possible?

My forms work fine when I send from port 80. But I receive errors when I attempt to send from port 443. How do I get my secure forms to work?


Will people with FrontPage 2000 (and maybe even FP98) be able to work with an Apache webserver under Linux when I install the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions!? Is it downwards compatible!?

And the other way around: when I install the FP2000 extensions, will be people with FP2002 be able to use them?


I recently changed hosting providers for my domain. I had a FP Discussion Web in a subweb off the main web, and now it does not work correctly. When posting an article to the Discussion Web it does not seem to know that other posts have been made. (i.e.: post goes to _disc/00000001.htm instead of _disc/00000378.htm at it should have) Anyone out there seen this before, or know how to fix this??

i am using apache 1.3.22,php4.0.6,FP ver5.0 all the packages installed successfully. I can publish a FP web into the server without problem. When i try to create an email form with onSubmit="" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--", the result returns cannot run frontpage server extension in this dir. can anyone tell me what i am missing here? thanks.

Which FrontPage Server Extensions should be used with a Windows 2000 Server?

You can fill out our front page 2000 forms and they will submit to the server. However, we rarely get them...

When I use fpadmcgi.exe I keep getting this in my error log:

File does not exist: /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin-exes/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/1033/IMAGESDIRbluedot.gif

How do I fix this?

I am running a web server behind a router. I am able to block access to my internal network by IP filtering. How does frontpage access the web server? Is it FTP or something else?

Is the Photo Gallery feature in FrontPage 2002 supported on the Unix platform?

After upgrading from fp2000se to fp2002se, discussion webs and email forms emailing their output in HTML formats are writing/sending the html output on one line. For large discussion webs, this is creating problems when a new post tries to add to a very very long (single) line in the tocproto.htm file.

Likewise, some clients are having email from their forms bounce due to the HTML output line being over 1024 characters long. Certain MDA's are configured to disallow long lines to prevent buffer overflow attacks.

Anyone know of a fix for this?

Many thanks

When checking my server extensions I get the following error.

The server administration programs and the server extensions on the web server are not compatible. The server is too old to use with this administration program.

Where would I look for additional information when I have problems with FrontPage Server Extensions?

I keep getting (1) Saving Form Results to E-Mail will not work unless with the "SMTPHost" or "SendMailCommand" server configuration parameters are set., how do I fix that?

How do I check that the FrontPage extensions are enabled? My FrontPage 2000 client says that the serve I am publishing to does not have FrontPage extensions installed.

I've tried everything - reinstalling, owsadm.exe -check, and I still can't open my webs with a FrontPage client. What else there to check?

FrontPage 2003 has been announced. How does it interact with the FrontPage 2003 Server Extensions?

What are the changes in SR1.2?

I am currently hosting (non-FP) pages and have someone who is requiring me to support FP2003. If I install your 2002 support on Redhat 9.0, will they be loosing the new features provided in FP2003?

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

I'm trying to setup Frontpage-EXtensions on my SuSE 9.1 and it seems I'm on a good way to make it, but I do have the following problem: When trying to access the configuration for my root-web I get the following message in the apache (2.0.49 I do think) error_log:

[Sun Jun 20 12:24:51 2004] [error] Incorrect permissions on webroot "/srv/www/htdocs/_vti_pvt" and webroot's _vti_pvt directory in FrontPageAlias().

[Sun Jun 20 12:24:51 2004] [error] Incorrect permissions on webroot "/srv/www/htdocs/_vti_pvt" and webroot's _vti_pvt directory in FrontPageAlias().

[Sun Jun 20 12:24:51 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/srv/www/htdocs, referer:

any idea?

Thanks Thomas

How do I troubleshoot a front page form that is not working

I am trying to upload my site using Front Page and am getting the following error: 404 Not Found. The requested URL /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.29 Server at Port 80, what could this mean?

Hi everyone,

I really need help from someone who has been able to make changes to the Forms that is created with Frontpage in a UNIX platform.

The problem we have is that the Form we use on our website, once they are filled out submitted by the visitor to the site and is sent to other customers who use our service. The From address email is "" and we don't want that, we want the From Address email to be one that we select by ourselves. Is there a code that we can include in the Frontpage Form or a instruction we can give to our host company on how to do this in their UNIX server that will allow us to change the From Address email. The hosting company told us that we need to find on how to do it and email it to them and then they will do the changes.

Thanks for the help.


Install Questions

When I run owsadm.exe -setadminport 9999 -u username -s /httpd.conf it fails. What should I do instead?

I was wondering... Do you have any sample installations using the script?

I have already compiled in mod_frontpage when I built the server in the first place, and the module seems to be fine, however, now I don't know what to do to do the rest of the install process to do things like install the root web, listen on ports etc. etc. I have started the install script and its has unpacked all the files to /usr/local/frontpage However the install script quits when I tell it not to replace the currently installed httpd with the stock 1.3.19 one. How can I finish the process manually so I can get Frontpage working? Thanks for all your help in advance!

I have a new install on Linux. It appears that all went well with the install but I can't author anything. When I try to "Publish Web" with FP 2002, I get a username and password box repeatedly. I'm using the admin username and pwd that I typed in when I installed FP2002.

Specifically, I'm seeing this in the log: - - [12/Aug/2001:14:21:31 -0700] "POST /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe HTTP/1.1" 401 264

Everything is owned by apache:apache (uid 504).

This is happening BEFORE I type in the username and password the first time and each subsequent time.

Error 401 means something is not authorized, right?

Is there any way to get more debugging information out of this? I don't have much to work with here.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks for any assistance.

During installation I received the following error: The top-level folder for web is a symbolic link and the 'FollowSymLinks' server configuration is not set. Error / installation failed. What do I need to do?

During installation I received the following error:

Upgrading FrontPage Webs

cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/sbin/httpd': Text file busy

ERROR: Unable to copy to /usr/sbin/httpd

ERROR: Unable to upgrade Apache deamon!

Now what?

I'm trying to install the extensions, but I keep getting srm.conf file does not exist (apache 1.3.19). I have checked and the file does exist. I have had the same problem with Frontpage 2000 extensions on 1.3.20. Help.

Where is

My web opens without username/password prompt.

Install to Redhat failed: "AllowOverride"

Installing the server extensions to Redhat 7.2 failed. Here are the last few

lines from the installation (I don't see an access.conf on my machine):

Installing the root web...

Server config filename: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

FrontPage Administrator's user name: joeblow

Getting User from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Unix user name of the owner of this new web: [apache] joeblow

Getting Group from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Unix group of this new web: [apache] joeblow

Installing root web into port 80...

Installing server / on port 80

Will chown web to joeblow as part of install.

Will chgrp web to joeblow as part of install.

Note: Local version of Apache must use the FrontPage Apache patch. Error:

FrontPage requires that the AllowOverride option be set to something other

than "None" (typically set in access.conf). "All" is the preferred

AllowOverride option for the document root.

ERROR: / installation failed.

Hit enter to continue

Now what?

How does one install a virtual web on port 443 instead of port 80?

I am getting this error message after executing the following:

./owsadm.exe -o install -u fpadm -pw test -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \

-xuser customer -xgroup firm -p 80

Error message is:

Cannot chown content: user customer does not exist.

Cannot chown content: group firm does not exist.

I am getting this error message after executing the following:

./owsadm.exe -o install -u fpadm -pw test -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \

-p 80

Error: The access control file "

/var/www/html/addon-modules/.htaccess" was not created by this client program and cannot be edited safely using this client program.

Running the script to create the root web results in an error.


Error: An access setup description is required when creating the root web.

ERROR: / installation failed.

Installed FP Extension 2002 on RH Linux 7.1. Run without choosing root web, sub web and virtual web. But still cannot publish web site to the server. Front Page module seems to be running (checked by httpd -l).

The server you are you are publishing to does not have the Front Page Server Extensions installed and therefore does not support publishing via HTTP.

How do I resolve this issue?

How do I install FrontPage 2002 Server extensions on my apache 1.3.22 server that is already running?

I've installed the frontpage extensions and am almost positive they are in correctly. When I go to publish a web site it asks me for a login and password. Then it tells me that FrontPage extensions aren't installed on the server. How do I test it to make sure. Where is the default directories that everything is kept?

Set up a Unix user where the login begins with a number, e.g. 1coolguy

Set up a virtual host for or something for that user.

Attempt to install frontpage extensions for that virtual host as follows:

'owsadm.exe -o install -u 1coolguy -pw password -p 80 -m -servconf /path/to/httpd.conf -xu 1coolguy -xg usergroup

View the error message:


Value "1coolguy" is incorrect.

Syntax error in value of "xuser" parameter.

Why is 1coolguy not valid?

I have many domains in my apache server. I would like to only have 2 use FP extensions. How can this be done?

Every time I run it fails with ERROR: "/usr/local/apache/htdocs" does not exist. I checked the directory is there. Why can't find it?

I would like to put a second web server on my Solaris machine and have it use a separate copy of FrontPage Extensions. It will be on a different port and in a different location. I do not want to interfere with the production server that is running. What would be involved with making this happen? Would I have to modify to point the second copy of the server extensions some place other than /usr/local?

During installation using I received the following error:

Are you sure that you want to do this (y/n) [N]? y

Upgrading FrontPage Webs...

cp: omitting directory `/etc/httpd/'

ERROR: Unable to copy /etc/httpd/ to /etc/httpd/.orig

ERROR: Unable to upgrade Apache daemon!

Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.

How do I fix the error?

Using the FP2002 extensions and the owsadm.exe utility I run into the oft mentioned (yet not solved situation) of "Error: Cannot open 'srm.conf': no such file or folder." when running owsadm.exe (Solaris 9, btw).

./owsadm.exe -o install -p -s /etc/apache/httpd.conf -u thename -pw -xu nobody -xg nobody

What is the solution?

During installation I'm getting "Error: '80' server is not a valid virtual server. How do I install?

The latest download does not support apache 2.0.48 contrary to website message.

Run fp_install to install fp on a server I just install apache 2.0.48 on.

Your site says:

"This release also includes support for Apache 1.3.29 and Apache 2.0.48."


WARNING: The Apache you are running is newer than the one

supported by this kit.

You are running Apache 2.0.48 .

This kit supports Apache .

What is the true story?

I have a gentoo box with apache 2.0.49. I have to change some of the names on t

he script to match gentoo file names. But when installing, everything went fine

until the compile step where it game me the error bellow:

In fact there was no apache2 dir under frontpage/version5.0

What I need to fix this?

When I attempt to install the FrontPage Server Extensions for my web site with or owsadm.exe I get:

installing server / on port 80

Will chown web to apache as part of install.

Will chgrp web to apache as part of install.

Error: '80' server is not a valid virtual server.

ERROR: / installation failed.

Hit enter to continue

How to I resolve this behavior?


I try to compile a custom server (Apache 1.3.22), following the instructions

on the Microsoft Web Site. But, when I run the ./configure script, it can't

find the mod_frontpage.c module! There isn't on the FrontPage 2002 Server

Extensions Distribution!!

Where I can locate this file?

I am running apache 1.3.22 and am trying to install FrontPage 2002 extension

to it. I copied fp-patch-apache_1.3.19 to fp-patch-apache_1.3.22 . I am trying to apply the patch with the following command patch -p0

File to patch: src/httpd

Hunk #1 failed at line 0.

Hunk #2 failed at line 800.

Hunk #3 failed at line 188.

Hunk #4 failed at line 576.

Hunk #5 failed at line 586.

Hunk #6 failed at line 708.

6 out of 6 hunks failed: saving rejects to src/httpd.rej



Hi. What is the command steps to execute the patch fp-patch-apache_1.3.22.Z

please, and what Directory should it be in? I am running Linux Mandrake 8.2 RC1

and apache version is 1.3.23.

I installed the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and now my Apache won't start. First it couldn't find the httpd.conf on my system and now it complains. Why?

I have downloaded the frontpage patch, and the extensions, to my computer, but how do I get them to the server?

i downloaded 2002 extensions and installed, they installed fine, but when i start apache now, i get a Syntax error on line 210 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf : invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration so i comment out line 210, then get the same error for line 211, so i comment out 211 and get the same error for line 212 etc... I checked the modules folder, and the modules its saying it cant load are there, any ideas ?

I've using Redhat 7.1 and it's built with apache, php, mysql, ssl from RPM. How do I do an install?

I have been trying to load frontpage 2002 into my apache 1.3.24 & when i start

apache this is written to my /var/log/httpd/error.log (see below)

[Mon May 20 15:34:51 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: Incorrect permissions on key directory "/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp" in FrontPageCheckup(). Until this problem is fixed, the FrontPage security patch is disabled and the FrontPage extensions may not work correctly

Any hints to this would be greatly appreciated


Security Questions

When I submit a form I get the following:



msg=frontpage security violation


How do I fix this?

I have not yet installed frontpage server extensions for linux. The main reason

for changing to a Linux/Apache or windows/apache server would be to improve security. Are there any known vulnerabilities in the frontpage server extensions 200

2 for apache?

I heard there was security problem with Mod_frontpage 1.6.1. Is this true?

How does [CERT VU#944335] effect the FrontPage Server Extensions?

Client Questions

How do you get the Guestbook log to insert entries at the top of the page rather than at the bottom?

IBM eServer Questions

Do I need a special installation script for the IBM eServer zSeries FrontPage installation?

I used owsadm to setup my administration pages, but when I attempt to use them my browser wants to download fpadmcgi.exe. What can be done to fix this problem?

My installation seems to have completed correctly but when I attempt to access my site from a FrontPage client it fails. What should I check?

Platform Specific

I've installed FrontPage 2002 with no problems in the past on FreeBSD 4.4 and 4.5. I recently have tried the latest 4.7, and in the middle of the FrontPage 2002 extensions install I get the error:

Will chown web to nobody as part of install.

Will chgrp web to nobody as part of install.

/usr/libexec/ /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol "__stderrp"

ERROR: / installation failed.

Please help anyone, I'm been trying differn't things for hours and will accept any advise.

Apache DSO Questions

Does anyone have fp Extensions running on RH 8.0 or 9.0? Spent past week installing/reading/tweaking/trying to make work. About ready to go back to RH 7.0. It should not be this hard to install these. I did it on a 6.1 box a while back worked like a champ. HELP!! Any would be appreciated!!

I attempted to install the administration pages on my apache 2.0.43 web and they did not appear. What is the correct command?

I've tried installing on my Redhat 8 servers and the script fails with can't find apxs. Why?

I've installed the extensions on Redhat9 with Apache 2.0.40. The script ran with no problem. I am still unable to access the web with a FrontPage client. I noticed that the LoadModule line for mod_frontpage was within my directives. What do I need to do?

I've installed the Apache RPM and the Apache Development RPM but still fails. It is looking for Where can I find this file?

When I attempt to open my web with a FrontPage client I get "POST /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc hTTP/1.1" 406 521 in my log file. What needs to be done?

The installation seems to have completed, the LoadModule line is in the httpd.conf file, the Apache server has been restarted, but I still can not access the site. What else should I check?

Is there a sample install for Apache 2?

The images for my adminweb do not appear. What is wrong?

I've recently upgraded my machine from Redhat 7.3 with Apache 1.3.26 to Redhat 9 with the Apache 2 server. None of my FrontPage enabled webs are working now, where do I start?

I'm still having problems. What next?

I have FPSE installed and working from a publishing standpoint on RHES3.0 and Apache 2.0.46 (RH enterprise edition RPM's).

However even though publishing works, when end-users do FORM POSTS, they get no response on the browser and my apache error log shows:

(104)Connection reset by peer: ap_content_length_filter: apr_bucket_read() failed, referer:

I see many references to this problem via Google but no solutions that I've been able to find. Can someone please help?

I can't connect with the FrontPage client on my new Apache 2.0.48 installation. The error logs show "Wed Jan 28 11:17:58 2004] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: unable to connect to cgi daemon after multiple tries: /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe". I ran the script to adjust permissions within /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0, but I'm still getting this message. HELP!

From Support on General Questions :

General Information

What are the supported webservers for the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions?

Effective October 1, 2004, Apache 2.0.51 is considered a supported web server for the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for UNIX.

Effective August 25, 2004, Apache 2.0.50 is considered a supported web server.

Effective July 15, 2004, Apache 1.3.31 is considered a supported web server.

Effective June 2004, Apache 2.0.49 is considered a supported web server.

Effective with Service Release 1.2 support for Apache 1.3.29 and Apache 2.0.48 has been added.

Effective September 2003, Apache 2.0.47 is considered a supported web server.

Effective July 2003 Apache 2.0.46 is considered a supported web server.

Effective with the release of Service Release 1, Apache 1.3.28 is considered a supported web server. You should use the patch included in the download file. Please note: Effective with Service Release 1, using mod_frontpage as a DSO is now supported. Effective with Service Release 1, Apache 2.0.43 is considered a supported web server.

Effective April 23, 2002 Apache 1.3.24 is considered a supported web server. You should use the 1.3.22 patch.

Effective February 8, 2002 Apache 1.3.23 is considered a supported web server. You should use the 1.3.22 patch.

Effective December 19, 2001 Apache 1.3.22 is considered a supported web server (the 1.3.19 patch can be applied.) Apache 1.3.22 is also considered a supported web server. The 1.3.22 patch is available here.

The only supported web server on Unix for this release is Apache 1.3.19. In order to install or upgrade to the FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 you must patch the web server with the FrontPage patch. Without the patch you will not be able to install or upgrade to the FrontPage Server Extensions 2002. If you are not running Apache or cannot migrate to it or do not want to patch the web server then you should continue to use the latest release of the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.

Back to FAQ

I have other modules compiled in my existing apache daemon. What do I need to do to run the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions?

If you have other modules that you need compiled into Apache then you should manually patch your server prior to installing or upgrading. To install the patch manually, use the following steps:

bullet Untar fp50_platform_tar.Z

bullet Copy the Fp-patch-apache_1.3.x into your Apache server build directory

(usually /usr/local/Apache_1.3.x). The Fp-patch-apache_1.3.x file is found in/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/fp-patch-apache_1.3.x.

bullet Using the GNU version of the patch utility, run the patch command on the

FrontPage 2002 Apache patch source file:

patch -p0

bullet Configure the server (you should include your modules and mod_frontpage.c)

./configure --add-module=mod_frontpage.c

bullet Build the Apache server: make

bullet Install the server: make Install

Back to FAQ

What is the current list of supported platforms?

Digital UNIX 5.0, 5.1

FreeBSD 5.0, 5.2

BSDi 5.0, 5.1

Linux 8 , 9 (Red Hat Software)

Red Hat Fedora Core

Red Hat Enterprise Server

Solaris-Sparc 2.8, 2.9

Solaris-Intel 2.8, 2.9

HP/UX 11, 11i

IRIX 6.3, 6.5

IBM eServer zSeries (SuSE Linux 8-)

IBM eServer pSeries (SuSE Linux 8-)

IBM eServer iSeries (SuSE Linux 8-)

Back to FAQ

Is there any documentation?

Documentation can be found here.

Back to FAQ

How do I administer the Usage Analysis in Microsoft FrontPage 2002?

Please see the usage_whitepaper.

Back to FAQ

How can I manage usernames and reset passwords?

The management of usernames can be administered by a series of command lines or by using the HTML administration pages.

For detailed information on specific commands and how to find the HTML admin pages for your server please check with the Sharepoint Documentation.

Back to FAQ

When I click on "send an invitation" in the HTML based fpadmcgi.exe, I get the error message: "You cannot enable this feature because your server has not been configured to send mail" What can I do?

You need to configure your webserver to send mail before you can use this feature. This needs to be set up by adding one of the following lines to your we80.cnf file:



Excerpt from the SharePoint document:

Mail settings

Periodically, the server sends e-mail notification or other messages to users of your site or to you, the administrator. You can specify the SMTP mail server to use for these messages. You also can type the From and Reply-to address to use for these messages, and specify which mail encoding option and character set to use in the e-mail messages. Server administrators can change these settings by using the Change Configuration Settings page (in the Virtual Server Administration pages). Web site administrators can also change the From and Reply-to addresses on the Change Web Subscription Settings page (in the Site Administration pages).

Click here for more information.

Back to FAQ

Hi, I have an old server running version 3 FP extensions and I want to move my web onto my new server running version 5 FP extensions. I tried manually moving the files and I ran into a bunch of functionality problems. What is the easiest way to make this transition?

The most efficient way to transfer your web on to your new server is to:

bullet Install the extensions on the new server

bullet If you are using straight Apache then you have to install your subwebs too

If you are using Apache with Mod FP then the subs will be created for you

bullet Open up the web in your Front Page Client on the old server

bullet Publish web to the new server

This should take care of any functionality problems.

Back to FAQ

I'm trying to export a Microsoft Access file as an ODBC database and use it in my Front Page web (Linux).

I'm getting the error "Using an ODBC connection, you tried to perform an operation on data in an ODBC data source. This error may occur when the ODBC data sources is on a network drive and you are not connected to the network. Make sure the network is available, and then try the operation again.

The first thing that you want to confirm is that your Linux machine has the windows database mounted. The database has to be available so that web users can reach it.

For information n how to mount the drive go to:

David's Linux Experience

Back to FAQ

How do I set up Admin Pages for my web?

In order to set up the Admin Pages you need to run owsadm.exe from the command line:

cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin

./owsadm.exe -o setadminport -p -s -username -pw

Back to FAQ

How can I set up Per User Webs from the command line?

It is possible to create a per user web from the command line:

cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin

owsadm.exe -o install -p 80 -web \~username -xu username -xg -u -pw

Please note that you may also need to add this to your config file:

AllowOverRide All

Back to FAQ

How do I support .asp pages on my UNIX server?

It is possible to use Apache with mod_perl, and create perl based asp pages which are supported by FrontPage.

Note: You can also contact Chili!Soft concerning Active Server pages. Their implementation is currently available for Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Linux. The Chili!Soft product has more functionality than mod_perl and does cost money.

Back to FAQ

When I upgraded from FPSE 2000 to FPSE 2002 my email forms no longer work. What do I need to do to fix this problem?

You need to edit your we80.cnf file and delete the %r from your SendMailCommand line.


Back to FAQ

I'd like my error messages to be returned in . Is this possible?

There are additional language files available on the Microsoft site.

Back to FAQ

My forms work fine when I send from port 80. But I receive errors when I attempt to send from port 443. How do I get my secure forms to work?

You need to install the extensions against both ports (80 and 443). You can use owsadm.exe -o install -p 443 -s /path/to/httpd.conf or if your port 443 documentroot is the same as your port 80 documentroot you can simply:

cd /usr/local/frontpage

cp we80.cnf we443.cnf

Make sure ownership/permissions of we443.cnf matches we80.cnf ownership and permissions.

Back to FAQ


Will people with FrontPage 2000 (and maybe even FP98) be able to work with an Apache webserver under Linux when I install the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions!? Is it downwards compatible!?

And the other way around: when I install the FP2000 extensions, will be people with FP2002 be able to use them?


The Server Extensions are backwardly compatible.

Folks with FP2002 publishing against a FP2000 enabled web will not be able to use and of the new functions. For more information check out the product guide or knowledgebase.

Back to FAQ

I recently changed hosting providers for my domain. I had a FP Discussion Web in a subweb off the main web, and now it does not work correctly. When posting an article to the Discussion Web it does not seem to know that other posts have been made. (i.e.: post goes to _disc/00000001.htm instead of _disc/00000378.htm at it should have) Anyone out there seen this before, or know how to fix this??

In order for you to have the relocated web resume postings at the correct count, you need to edit the /_vti_pvt/service.cnf and change the vti_disc_articlenumber setting to the correct number.




Please note: you may have to have your ISP make the change if you do not have access to the _vti_pvt directory.

Back to FAQ

Which FrontPage Server Extensions should be used with a Windows 2000 Server?

Information concerning the Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions for windows can be found on the Microsoft site.

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You can fill out our front page 2000 forms and they will submit to the server. However, we rarely get them...

If your ISP has set up your web correctly, with either SendMailCommand or SMTPHost in your FrontPage config file (hostname:80.cnf), then they should be able to look in the system logs file for why you aren't always getting the results.

While waiting form them to resolve this issue you may want to change your forms to both send you mail and store the results in to file. You can then use your FrontPage client to view this file.

From your Client: Open the Form Page, and go to form properties


Sendto: _private/results


Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Show hidden files and folders


Then you should be able to view the information stored in _private/results.

Back to FAQ

I am running apache 1.3.22 and am trying to install FrontPage 2002 extension

to it. I copied fp-patch-apache_1.3.19 to fp-patch-apache_1.3.22 . I am trying to apply the patch with the following command patch -p0

File to patch: src/httpd

Hunk #1 failed at line 0.

Hunk #2 failed at line 800.

Hunk #3 failed at line 188.

Hunk #4 failed at line 576.

Hunk #5 failed at line 586.

Hunk #6 failed at line 708.

6 out of 6 hunks failed: saving rejects to src/httpd.rej



There is a new patch available for Apache 1.3.22. Also you should be using GNU patch instead of the system patch as recommended in the Sharepoint documentation.

"If you have compiled an Apache Web server using a previous version of the FrontPage Apache patch source file, use the GNU version of the patch utility to remove the previous version of the FrontPage Apache patch from your Apache server:

%patch –p0 –R < previous_FrontPage_patch_file

Using the GNU version of the patch utility, run the patch command on the FrontPage Apache patch source file:

%patch –p0


Back to FAQ

I try to compile a custom server (Apache 1.3.22), following the instructions

on the Microsoft Web Site. But, when I run the ./configure script, it can't

find the mod_frontpage.c module! There isn't on the FrontPage 2002 Server

Extensions Distribution!!

Where I can locate this file?

The distribution includes fp-patch-apache-1.3.19, or you can pick up fp-patch-apache-1.3.22. You then need to use patch before you run configure.

Back to FAQ

When I use fpadmcgi.exe I keep getting this in my error log:

File does not exist: /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin-exes/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/1033/IMAGESDIRbluedot.gif

How do I fix this?

In /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin/1033/webadmin.css change

background-image: url(IMAGESDIRbluedot.gif);



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I am running a web server behind a router. I am able to block access to my internal network by IP filtering. How does frontpage access the web server? Is it FTP or something else?

From the Microsoft SharePoint documentation:

"The FrontPage client communicates with FrontPage Server Extensions using HTTP, the same protocol Web browsers and Web servers use to communicate. FrontPage implements a remote procedure call mechanism on top of the HTTP POST request, so that the FrontPage client can request documents, update the Tasks list, add new authors, and so on."

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Hi. What is the command steps to execute the patch fp-patch-apache_1.3.22.Z

please, and what Directory should it be in? I am running Linux Mandrake 8.2 RC1 and apache version is 1.3.23.

You need to be in your Apache src directory (get the source code from You should then uncompress the .Z file and run the commands as documented in SharePoint.

Back to FAQ

I have downloaded the frontpage patch, and the extensions, to my computer, but how do I get them to the server?

You can now ftp them from your PC to your server. Please note that you must have ROOT access on your server to install the FrontPage Server Extensions. If you are using a Web Host for your site, it is unlikely that you will be able to install the extensions for your site. You will need to contact your web host and ask them about installing the extensions on the server and FrontPage enabling your web.

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Is the Photo Gallery feature in FrontPage 2002 supported on the Unix platform?

Yes, Photo Gallery is support on the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for Unix.

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After upgrading from fp2000se to fp2002se, discussion webs and email forms emailing their output in HTML formats are writing/sending the html output on one line. For large discussion webs, this is creating problems when a new post tries to add to a very very long (single) line in the tocproto.htm file.

Likewise, some clients are having email from their forms bounce due to the HTML output line being over 1024 characters long. Certain MDA's are configured to disallow long lines to prevent buffer overflow attacks.

Anyone know of a fix for this?

Many thanks

In the html try changing




Back to FAQ

When checking my server extensions I get the following error.

The server administration programs and the server extensions on the web server are not compatible. The server is too old to use with this administration program.

Check the frontpage configuration file for your web (/usr/local/frontpage/we80.cnf) and confirm that your extenderversion parameter is correct for your web and extensions.

Back to FAQ

Where would I look for additional information when I have problems with FrontPage Server Extensions?

If you are having problems with the FrontPage Server Extensions you can look at your Apache access and error logs, your system messages file (as defined in /etc/syslog.conf), and on the client side in wecerr.txt.

The Sharepoint Documentation, this FAQ, the FP2002 discussion Group, and the microsoft.public.frontpage.extensions.unix discussion group also provide information.

Back to FAQ

I keep getting (1) Saving Form Results to E-Mail will not work unless with the "SMTPHost" or "SendMailCommand" server configuration parameters are set., how do I fix that?

If you have access to the web server you can edit the we80.cnf or virtualhost:80.cnf file found in /usr/local/frontpage and add the SMTPhost or SendMailCommand appropriate for your system. For Example:


If you do not have access to the web server, you need to ask your ISP to make the addition for you.

Back to FAQ

How do I check that the FrontPage extensions are enabled? My FrontPage 2000 client says that the serve I am publishing to does not have FrontPage extensions installed.

There are a few things to try to confirm if the FrontPage Server Extensions are installed on your web.

bullet Try browsing:

bullet Try opening the web with your FrontPage Client

bullet If you have problems opening the web check the wecerr.txt file for additional information. You might see:

bullet Server error: You must use a secure connection (SSL) to

author against this server.

bullet HTTP 500 Error from proxy

bullet Server error: The server extensions were unable to

access the file "httpd.conf.3185". Please check the file


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I've tried everything - reinstalling, owsadm.exe -check, and I still can't open my webs with a FrontPage client. What else there to check?

There are a number of areas that can be checked:

bullet Apache Access and Error Logs

bullet System Messages Files

bullet SUEXEC logs

bullet Are you using symlinks? and does FrontPage know

bullet edit frontpage.cnf and add followsymlinks:1

bullet Are your partitions mounted SUID ?

bullet Do you have the AllowOverRide All set for the documentroot

bullet Did you check your .htaccess files?

Back to FAQ

I'm trying to setup Frontpage-EXtensions on my SuSE 9.1 and it seems I'm on a good way to make it, but I do have the following problem: When trying to access the configuration for my root-web I get the following message in the apache (2.0.49 I do think) error_log:

[Sun Jun 20 12:24:51 2004] [error] Incorrect permissions on webroot "/srv/www/htdocs/_vti_pvt" and webroot's _vti_pvt directory in FrontPageAlias().

[Sun Jun 20 12:24:51 2004] [error] Incorrect permissions on webroot "/srv/www/htdocs/_vti_pvt" and webroot's _vti_pvt directory in FrontPageAlias().

[Sun Jun 20 12:24:51 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist:

/srv/www/htdocs, referer:

any idea?

Thanks Thomas

Similar to the 2000 extensions this error can be found in the mod_frontpage code:



The webroot and webroot/_vti_pvt don't match. User recovery: fix

the owners and groups of both directories to match, and have both a

uid and gid in the allowable range.


LogFrontPageError(r->server, "Incorrect permissions on webroot \"%-.0124s\" and webroot's _vti_pvt directory", szBuf, "FrontPageAlias()", FALSE, 0);

return DECLINED;


if ((!strcmp(r->filename,GLOBALADMINDIR)) ? vti_pvt.st_uid > 0

: (vti_pvt.st_uid < LOWEST_VALID_UID || vti_pvt.st_gid < LOWEST_VALID_GID))



User recovery: fix the owners and groups of both directories to

match, and have both a uid and gid in the allowable range.


LogFrontPageError(r->server, "Incorrect permissions on webroot \"%-.0124s\" and webroot's _vti_pvt directory", szBuf, "FrontPageAlias()", FALSE, 0);

return DECLINED;


You need to check that your UID and GID are within the allowable ranges and that the permissions on the directories match.

Back to FAQ

How do I troubleshoot a front page form that is not working ?

To troubleshoot FrontPage problems:

bullet Review the Apache error log

bullet Review the Apache access log

bullet Review the system messages file

bullet Check you system mail messages file

bullet Check your SUEXEC logs

Back to FAQ

I am trying to upload my site using Front Page and am getting the following error: 404 Not Found. The requested URL /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.29 Server at Port 80, what could this mean?

It appears that and have not been FrontPage enabled. You need to have your ISP enable (extend) your site with the Extensions.

owsadm.exe -o install -t apache-fp -xu -xg \

-u -pw -p 80 \


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Hi everyone,

I really need help from someone who has been able to make changes to the Forms that is created with Frontpage in a UNIX platform.

The problem we have is that the Form we use on our website, once they are filled out submitted by the visitor to the site and is sent to other customers who use our service. The From address email is "" and we don't want that, we want the From Address email to be one that we select by ourselves. Is there a code that we can include in the Frontpage Form or a instruction we can give to our host company on how to do this in their UNIX server that will allow us to change the From Address email. The hosting company told us that we need to find on how to do it and email it to them and then they will do the changes.

Thanks for the help.


Your ISP can edit your /usr/local/frontpage/WEBNAME:80.cnf file and add the mailsender configuration variable.

From FrontPage Extension for Unix Install Questions:

Install Questions

When I run owsadm.exe -setadminport 9999 -u name -s /httpd.conf it fails. What should I do instead?

You need to use -username name instead of the -u name.

Back to FAQ

I installed the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and now my Apache won't start. First it couldn't find the httpd.conf on my system and now it complains. Why?

As noted during the installation:

"The Apache daemon is going to be replaced with a stock Apache containing the FrontPage patch and may result in the loss of any custom modules that have been compiled into the daemon that is currently in use."

Therefore you need to determine which modules were included in your original Apache daemon and recompile with those modules and mod_frontpage.c. Please check the documentation for more information.

Back to FAQ

I was wondering... Do you have any sample installations using the script?

Yes we do, although these answers may not be exactly what you'll want to use for you web they should still give you a good idea of "normal" answers.

Sample Install Using

Back to FAQ

I have already compiled in mod_frontpage when I built the server in the first place, and the module seems to be fine, however, now I don't know what to do to do the rest of the install process to do things like install the root web, listen on ports etc. etc. I have started the install script and its has unpacked all the files to /usr/local/frontpage However the install script quits when I tell it not to replace the currently installed httpd with the stock 1.3.19 one. How can I finish the process manually so I can get Frontpage working? Thanks for all your help in advance!

Make a copy of the current httpd to a different location. When the install script ask for the location of the httpd, point it to the one you just copied.

Back to FAQ

I have a new install on Linux. It appears that all went well with the install but I can't author anything. When I try to "Publish Web" with FP 2002, I get a username and password box repeatedly. I'm using the admin username and pwd that I typed in when I installed FP2002.

Specifically, I'm seeing this in the log: - - [12/Aug/2001:14:21:31 -0700] "POST /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe HTTP/1.1" 401 264

Everything is owned by apache:apache (uid 504).

This is happening BEFORE I type in the username and password the first time and each subsequent time.

Error 401 means something is not authorized, right?

Is there any way to get more debugging information out of this? I don't have much to work with here.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks for any assistance.

You need to make sure that the AllowOverRide All directive for each documentroot - Virtual Hosts and peruser webs.

Back to FAQ

i downloaded 2002 extensions and installed, they installed fine, but when i start apache now, i get a Syntax error on line 210 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf : invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration so i comment out line 210, then get the same error for line 211, so i comment out 211 and get the same error for line 212 etc... I checked the modules folder, and the modules its saying it cant load are there, any ideas ?

As noted during the installation:

"The Apache daemon is going to be replaced with a stock Apache containing the FrontPage patch and may result in the loss of any custom modules that have been compiled into the daemon that is currently in use."

Therefore you need to determine which modules were included in your original Apache daemon and recompile with those modules and mod_frontpage.c. Please check the documentation for more information.

Back to FAQ

During installation I received the following error: The top-level folder for web is a symbolic link and the 'FollowSymLinks' server configuration is not set. Error / installation failed. What do I need to do?

Please confirm that you have the symlinks directive correct in your httpd.conf. If this is correct then you must also tell FrontPage that you are using symlinks. You can do this by editing your /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/frontpage.cnf file and adding.


From the documentation: "A non-zero value for this parameter allows the FrontPage Explorer and the FrontPage Server Administrator (owsadm) to operate on folders that are linked to symbolically from a web content area. For example, this would permit the FrontPage Explorer to display the contents of a symbolically linked directory. Default value = 0."

Back to FAQ

During installation I received the following error:

Upgrading FrontPage Webs

cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/sbin/httpd': Text file busy

ERROR: Unable to copy to /usr/sbin/httpd

ERROR: Unable to upgrade Apache deamon!

Now what?

The installation is attempting to copy the Apache deamon that is shipped with the extensions to your /usr/sbin location. Because your Apache deamon is currently running the copy failed. You can stop your Apache deamon and rerun then restart the new Apache deamon, or you can manually replace the httpd.

Stop your Apache

mv /usr/sbin/httpd /usr/sbin/httpd.orig

cp /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/httpd /usr/sbin/httpd

then restart your Apache

Back to FAQ

I'm trying to install the extensions, but I keep getting srm.conf file does not exist (apache 1.3.19). I have checked and the file does exist. I have had the same problem with Frontpage 2000 extensions on 1.3.20. Help.

You may need to set your ResourceConfig and AccessConfig to point to the location of your srm.conf and access.conf in your httpd.conf. Or you can use:

ResourceConfig /dev/null

AccessConfig /dev/null

Back to FAQ

Where is is included in the tar file or you can download it here. You will have to gunzip the file and set it executable before you can use.

Back to FAQ

My web opens without username/password prompt.


Setting this parameter to All in your apache configuration file will alleviate this problem.

AllowOverride ALL

Please note that you will need to do this for each unique documentroot

on your system (i.e. VirtualWebs).

Back to FAQ

Install to Redhat failed: "AllowOverride"

Installing the server extensions to Redhat 7.2 failed. Here are the last few

lines from the installation (I don't see an access.conf on my machine):

Installing the root web...

Server config filename: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

FrontPage Administrator's user name: joeblow

Getting User from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Unix user name of the owner of this new web: [apache] joeblow

Getting Group from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Unix group of this new web: [apache] joeblow

Installing root web into port 80...

Installing server / on port 80

Will chown web to joeblow as part of install.

Will chgrp web to joeblow as part of install.

Note: Local version of Apache must use the FrontPage Apache patch. Error:

FrontPage requires that the AllowOverride option be set to something other

than "None" (typically set in access.conf). "All" is the preferred

AllowOverride option for the document root.

ERROR: / installation failed.

Hit enter to continue

Now what?

Apache has combined the older model of 3 configuration files (httpd.conf, access.conf, and srm.conf) into the single httpd.conf.

You need to set the AllowOverRide parameter for your documentroot.

For example: if DocumentRoot is defined as /www/home you would need

AllowOverRide All

Back to FAQ

I've using Redhat 7.1 and it's built with apache, php, mysql, ssl from RPM. How do I do an install?

You can use either or owsadm.exe to install the FrontPage Server Extensions for Unix. You then need to recompile your Apache deamon with the mods included in the RPM and mod_frontpage. The SharePoint documentation has additional information.

Back to FAQ

How does one install a virtual web on port 443 instead of port 80?

You should the owsadm.exe command line to install for port 443:

cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin

./owsadm.exe -o install -p 443 -s -xu UNIXUSER -xg UNIXGROUP -u USERNAME -pw PASSWORD -m virtualweb

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I am getting this error message after executing the following:

./owsadm.exe -o install -u fpadm -pw test -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \

-xuser customer -xgroup firm -p 80

Error message is:

Cannot chown content: user customer does not exist.

Cannot chown content: group firm does not exist.

The -xuser and -xgroup must be defined on your system. FrontPage refers to the system password and group files to verify that the xuser is a valid system user and that xgroup is a valid system group.

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I am getting this error message after executing the following:

./owsadm.exe -o install -u fpadm -pw test -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \

-p 80

Error: The access control file "

/var/www/html/addon-modules/.htaccess" was not created by this client program and cannot be edited safely using this client program.

You should:

cd /var/www/html/addon-modules/

mv .htaccess

Then try your installation.

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Running the script to create the root web results in an error.


Error: An access setup description is required when creating the root web.

ERROR: / installation failed.

Confirm that any .htaccess files in your documentroot have been moved to .htaccess.orig. Then try your installation.

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Installed FP Extension 2002 on RH Linux 7.1. Run without choosing root web, sub web and virtual web. But still cannot publish web site to the server. Front Page module seems to be running (checked by httpd -l).

The server you are you are publishing to does not have the Front Page Server Extensions installed and therefore does not support publishing via HTTP.

How do I resolve this issue?

You need to enable your web with the FPSE's, not just place them on your system. Run again, and when the scripts prompts you; "Do you want to install a root web (y/n)" answer yes.

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How do I install FrontPage 2002 Server extensions on my apache 1.3.22 server that is already running?

If you are already running Apache 1.3.22 you need to confirm that your daemon has the mod_frontpage patch applied. You can do this by running httpd -l and grepping the results for mod_frontpage. If your daemon is patched, then run and answer the questions appropriately for your system. During installation your httpd was moved to httpd.orig and the daemon which shipped with the FPSEs was copied to httpd. You can simply replace httpd with httpd.orig.

cd httpd.orig

mv httpd.orig httpd

Then restart your daemon.

If your 1.3.22 Apache does not have mod_frontpage you will need to download the Apache source code, download the frontpage patch and recompile.

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I've installed the frontpage extensions and am almost positive they are in correctly. When I go to publish a web site it asks me for a login and password. Then it tells me that FrontPage extensions aren't installed on the server. How do I test it to make sure. Where is the default directories that everything is kept?

The Sharepoint documentation contains a list of which files and directories are installed when you enable a web with the FrontPage Server Extensions.

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I have been trying to load frontpage 2002 into my apache 1.3.24 & when i start

apache this is written to my /var/log/httpd/error.log (see below)

[Mon May 20 15:34:51 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: Incorrect permissions on key directory "/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp" in FrontPageCheckup(). Until this problem is fixed, the FrontPage security patch is disabled and the FrontPage extensions may not work correctly

Any hints to this would be greatly appreciated


If you look at the source code for the mod_frontpage patch your solution is there:

+ {

+ /

+ User recovery: set directory to be owned by root with permissions

rwx--x--x. Note you need the execute bit for group and other so

+ that non-root programs can run apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe (even though

non-root cannot list the directory).

+ */

+ LogFrontPageError(s, "Incorrect permissions on key directory \"%-.1024s\"",

+ FPKEYDIR, "FrontPageCheckup()", TRUE);

+ return (FALSE);

+ }


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Set up a Unix user where the login begins with a number, e.g. 1coolguy

Set up a virtual host for or something for that user.

Attempt to install frontpage extensions for that virtual host as follows:

'owsadm.exe -o install -u 1coolguy -pw password -p 80 -m -servconf /path/to/httpd.conf -xu 1coolguy -xg usergroup

View the error message:


Value "1coolguy" is incorrect.

Syntax error in value of "xuser" parameter.

Why is 1coolguy not valid?

While 1coolguy may be a valid UNIX user on your system on many systems (the extensions must support 8 different versions of UNIX), this is not a valid UNIX user on all platforms. From the Solaris documentation:

"User names, also called login names, let users access their own systems and remote systems that have the appropriate access privileges. You must choose a user name for each user account you create. User names must:

bullet Be unique within your organization, which might span multiple domains

bullet Contain from two to eight letters and numerals (the first character must be a letter and at least one character must be a lowercase letter)

bullet Not contain an underscore or space "

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I have many domains in my apache server. I would like to only have 2 use FP extensions. How can this be done?

You need to enable the extensions on only those domains which require them. You can use and select only those domains (VirtualWebs) that you want to have the extensions or you can use owsadm.exe and specify which domains. Check the SharePoint Documentation.

owsadm.exe -o install -s -u -pw -xu -xg -m

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Every time I run it fails with ERROR: "/usr/local/apache/htdocs" does not exist. I checked the directory is there. Why can't find it? has a problem with the quotes "'s in your httpd.conf file. If you removed them from the DocumentRoot directive it should work.

DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache/htdocs"


DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs

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I would like to put a second web server on my Solaris machine and have it use a separate copy of FrontPage Extensions. It will be on a different port and in a different location. I do not want to interfere with the production server that is running. What would be involved with making this happen? Would I have to modify to point the second copy of the server extensions some place other than /usr/local?

You don't need to have 2 separate copies of the FrontPage Server Extensions. You can simple place your test web on a different port and have it's document root in a different place than your production server. The FrontPage Server Extensions require placement in /usr/local/frontpage or a link to that directory.

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During installation using I received the following error:

Are you sure that you want to do this (y/n) [N]? y

Upgrading FrontPage Webs...

cp: omitting directory `/etc/httpd/'

ERROR: Unable to copy /etc/httpd/ to /etc/httpd/.orig

ERROR: Unable to upgrade Apache daemon!

Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.

How do I fix the error?

You need to give the full path to the apache deamon, not just which directory it is in. Instead of /etc/httpd you probably need to use /usr/httpd/sbin/httpd. You can use the system find to locate your Apache daemon.

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Using the FP2002 extensions and the owsadm.exe utility I run into the oft mentioned (yet not solved situation) of "Error: Cannot open 'srm.conf': no such file or folder." when running owsadm.exe (Solaris 9, btw).

./owsadm.exe -o install -p -s /etc/apache/httpd.conf -u thename -pw -xu nobody -xg nobody

What is the solution?

The solution for Apache 2 webs is:

When installing the FrontPage Server Extensions for an Apache 2.0 web the commands are:

Root web:

owsadm.exe -o install -t apache-2.0 -p 80 -s /etc/apache/httpd.conf -u -pw

-ux nobody -xg nogroup

Virtual Web:

owsadm.exe -o install -t apache-2.0 -p 80 -s /etc/apache/httpd.conf -u -pw

-xu nobody -xg nobody -m

The solution for Apache 1.3 webs is to add

ResourceConfig /dev/null

AccessConfig /dev/null

to your httpd.conf file prior to running owsadm.exe. (Please note that the -t variable for Apache 1.3 webs is apache-fp.)

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During installation I'm getting "Error: '80' server is not a valid virtual server. How do I install?

In your httpd.conf file change




An additional option from the user community: When asked by for the port number enter :80.

(Thank you)

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The latest download does not support apache 2.0.48 contrary to website message.

Run fp_install to install fp on a server I just install apache 2.0.48 on.

Your site says:

"This release also includes support for Apache 1.3.29 and Apache 2.0.48."


WARNING: The Apache you are running is newer than the one

supported by this kit.

You are running Apache 2.0.48 .

This kit supports Apache .

What is the true story?

Apache 2.0.48 is supported with the latest release of the extensions.

This is a benign message and the FPSEs do support Apache 2.0.48. If you ignore the message and continue the installation will be created for your Apache.

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I have a gentoo box with apache

Openssl 0.9.8a in BSD/OS 4.3.1

Here is an entry I hope openssl will add in their Configure file:

"debug-bsdi-x86-elf", "gcc:-DPERL5 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIOS -fomit-frame-pointer -O9 -march=i686 -Wall -g::${BSDthreads}::-ldl:THIRY_TWO_BIT_LONG RC4_CHUNK BN_LLONG ${x86_gcc_des} ${x86_gcc_opts}:${x86_elf_asm}\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR)",

Additonal, 16 May 2006, I found this patch from the BSD/OS CD

! "bsdi-x86elf-gcc", "gcc:-DPERL5 -DL_ENDIAN -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -m486

-Wall::(unknown):-ldl:BN_LLONG ${x86_gcc_des} ${x86_gcc_opts}:${x86_elf_asm}:dlf\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR)",

Configuring OpenSSH to work in BSD/OS 4.3.X

This script works for BSD/OS

CC=/usr/bin/gcc CFLAGS="-g -O3 -Wall -mcpu=i686" ./configure --prefix=/usr/contrib --sysconfdir=/usr/contrib/etc --localstatedir=/var --infodir=/usr/share/info\

--mandir=/usr/share/man --with-low-memory --with-elf --with-ncurses\



--with-openssl=/usr/contrib --with-bsd-auth

I further 16 May 2006 found a patch on the BSD/OS CD-ROM:

Index: openbsd-compat/mktemp.c


RCS file: /master/core_contrib/openssh/openbsd-compat/mktemp.c,v

retrieving revision 1.5

diff -c -r1.5 mktemp.c

** openbsd-compat/mktemp.c 16 Sep 2003 17:30:32 -0000 1.5

--- openbsd-compat/mktemp.c 17 Sep 2003 22:18:50 -0000


** 55,60 ****

--- 55,61 ----

return (_gettemp(path, &fd, 0, slen) ? fd : -1);


+ #ifndef __bsdi__



char path;


** 63,68 ****

--- 64,70 ----

return (_gettemp(path, &fd, 0, 0) ? fd : -1);


+ #endif



Index: configure


RCS file: /master/core_contrib/openssh/configure,v

retrieving revision 1.9

diff -c -r1.9 configure

** configure 16 Sep 2003 17:30:18 -0000 1.9

--- configure 17 Sep 2003 22:38:56 -0000


14586,14592 ****

cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5

echo "$as_me:14587: result: no" >&5

echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6

! K5LIBS="-lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err"


rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext

--- 14586,14592 ----

cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5

echo "$as_me:14587: result: no" >&5

echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6

! K5LIBS="-lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -



rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext

Perl 5.8.8 and MailScanner

PErl 5.8.8 default from hints/ works. The Threads fails on the B side. I must wonder why.

MailScanner is working like a charm.

PureFTPD does wonders.

BSD/OS 4.3.1 still lives.